Wednesday, September 03, 2008


i don't seem to be much of a self-promoter or a sharer of personal feelings.

plus my interests shift so wildly and unpredictably that any consistency one might expect from a blog has no chance of existing.

plus my views and outlooks on many topics of interest are so fluid that the possibility is great that I may be 100% behind one point of view one day and become convinced of the accuracy of a conflicting view the next.

there's a tempest in my teapot.

Friday, December 21, 2007

knitted shawl/wrap

I knitted this up for my grandmother for Christmas... the first project I've made that was good enough to gift!

The pattern is called whisp and was taken from

I used Lion Brand Moonlight Mohair in "Purple Mountains" and number 11 needles.

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Tuesday, December 18, 2007

winter wonderland

A major winter storm hit Tulsa when I was there this weekend. It was very eerie hearing the frozen tree branches constantly breaking and crashing to the ground.

To me, it was an image of almost apocalyptic beauty.

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Sunday, July 29, 2007

from my mother's garden


Saturday, July 28, 2007

howdy, folks

I'm moving me and mine back over here to blogspot. See you 'round!

Friday, July 28, 2006

uninvited guests

It's always an interesting situation when you have a guest in the house. Especially when they've invited themselves, and even more especially when they've been a friend to the household for 15 years.

When you add to the mix that they:
1) leave dirty gym shorts on your sofa
2) leave condensation rings on your wooden coffee table
3) strew all of their person effects all over the house
4) strategically place a Magnum condom on the dryer
5) use your computer without your permission
6) wake you up with AOL Instant messanger sounds played full blast on their computer at 6am.
7) never apologize for their loud and obnoxious cell phone ring tones
8) don't tell you exactly when they plan on leaving

Things get fairly interesting.

When do you say something and risk pissing someone off, and when do you just let it be and clean up the mess once it's all over?

Tuesday, July 18, 2006

New blog?

Testing, 1 2 3.